วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553


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Many people suffer from a compromised immune system. Although we usually think first of those suffering from HIV / AIDS and congenital diseases, the immune system effects, the risk of malfunction of the immune system. AIDS and other diseases immune system often cause some serious infection. Those whose immune system is compromised and for other reasons can only experience many coldsVirus.

Vitamin A deficiency, lack of adequate rest, cigarette smoking and chronic stress can cause the system to all the damaged immune system. Proper nutrition is essential for those who want a good immune system function and health for the overall good. enhancer of the immune system or AIDS often contain vitamins and minerals, particularly those from the average diet may be missing. Vitamins A and C are very important, but musttaken with the right combination of other vitamins and minerals to function effectively. Under a good day multi-vitamin is the easiest way to ensure proper nutrition.

If you do not receive an adequate amount of sleep, the immune system is unable to repair damaged cells during the day. If you play hard work of the immune system is busy or protection against damage. If it destroys the immune system can go stand on the development of businessViruses and other sources of infection.

If you are a large number of colds or other infections and you smoke, then you have to finish a good reason. Cigarette smoking leeches vitamin C from the body and affect the ability of the body of other important vitamins and minerals. Those who compromise the immune system have been diagnosed with one, or a similar condition should seek to AIDS, smoking, give up.

Those who are under chronic stress have been shown to have lowerthan in normal white blood cells. It is not always possible to reduce the amount of stress in our lives. For those who do not supplement, vitamin and immune systems of AIDS such as the herb Andrographis paniculata (AP) may be particularly useful. Although some herbalists recommend Echinacea has been shown that toxic effects on the liver, where they are used for a long time. Animal studies have shown that AP is toxic in large quantities.

ManyDiseases are probably related to immune dysfunctions des rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, allergic rhinitis and other allergies, as well as numerous other diseases are all theoretically reactions caused by inappropriate immune system. It seems that the immune system attacking healthy cells in case of allergies, substances that do not entail the infection leads to inflammation. Because of this conviction, prescribed medicationsFor these and other diseases can lead to impairment of the immune system. Corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce white blood cells.

Immune system disorders or AIDS-stimulators, such as AP, laboratory tests have shown to increase white blood cell count, reduce the risk of infection and reduce the number of complications related to influenza virus in common, such example. beta-glucans, a biologically active plant components, has been shown to stimulateimmune system, protect against colds, flu and infections, inhibiting the replication of the AIDS virus. For more information on products that contain beta-glucans and other immune compromised ingredients may lead AP to improve a system of access www.immune-system-booster-guide.com.

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